“Don’t you say, ‘In four more months the harvest will be here’? I’m telling you to look and see that the fields are ready to be harvested.”
—John 4:35 (God’s Word Translation)
Happy autumn season from my house…to yours!
Does the scent of wood smoke and pumpkin pie make you smile? Does it bring back delicious memories of childhood?
Back in Lancaster County Amish country the harvest is in full swing. Soon, apples will be pressed for cider, and snitz pie will appear on long, trestle tables in many Plain farmhouses, at farmers' markets, and all around the county. Ah, the harvest!
When I think of this particular fall, I will always remember your generosity and thoughtfulness during my recent book tour to Pennsylvania, and one stop in Maryland. You are the most wonderful fans ever! Thanks, truly, for the royal welcome I received at every stop along the way. (See tour pictures posted here.)
Presently, I’m settled in at home again and happily “polishing pages” for my spring novel, The Love Letters (available March 24, 2015). We had our first sighting of snow atop Pikes Peak, which possibly means a brisk autumn. But my heart is warm, indeed, with God’s love, while I finish up the editorial process. All for my amazing reader-friends!
May God bless you with His abundant peace, comfort, healing, joy, and His great and amazing grace. And then, let's use those beautiful gifts to bless others...a harvest of divine compassion and love and caring.
Beverly Lewis