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December '14

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." —Isaiah 9:6


Just think of it, friend. Daily we seek wisdom and guidance on various levels. We strive for strength and health in mind and body. We grasp for longevity—to live long and prosper.

We hope for good education for our children and grandchildren, and for great success, too...and fit bodies, organic foods, alert minds, thriving relationships, fast cars, and nice houses. We yearn for courage and confidence and security.

But of all the things we long for, isn't peace the most elusive?

The Prince of Peace came to planet Earth in the unexpected form of a baby, in the middle of our chaos and clamoring for more and more...and more. Immanuel: God is with us. The Lord of Peace and Hope.

This Christmas season, my wish and prayer is that we may know and embrace the Peace that is mind-boggling, incomprehensible. The longed-for Peace that stills our trembling soul, and beckons us to kneel before His manger-cradle...calls us to surrender at His redemption-Cross. This amazing Peace invites us to stand with devoted hearts flung wide at His empty tomb. He is our greatest treasure, the Lord Jesus Christ, our Gift of Peace.

Joyous Advent,

Beverly Lewis


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