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August '15

"These little troubles are getting us ready for an eternal glory that will make all our troubles seem like nothing. Things that are seen don't last forever, but things that are not seen are eternal. That's why we keep our minds on the things that cannot be seen." —2 Corinthians 4:17-18 (CEV)


When we're called to do something for God, no matter how we may feel—or how bleak things may look—if we're obedient, we'll continue to push forward. The breakthrough (amazing discovery, divine help, success) may be just around the bend in the road. Why quit now just because the stats are bad, the media reports are troubling, the impossible looms too large?

Our great God and heavenly Father knows the end from the beginning. But, wait...He knows the middle, too! The middle, where we get stuck, where we wish we could give up and go home, where we're discouraged, and maybe even a bit angry if we're honest.

This verse instructs us with the most encouraging words, dear friend: These little troubles are getting us ready for an eternal glory. I love that, and I choose to embrace it. Will you join me?

Well, it's already August and for those whose glasses are half-empty, the summer is winding down. Here, in Colorado, however, the summer is just picking up—warmer temps, less rain, more vividly colorful wildflowers in the mountains, more sunshine, perfectly glorious sunsets. So, it's all good!

Let's make August a memorable and happy month with our family and friends! Are you in?

Beverly Lewis


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