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March '21

“You, LORD, are all I have, and You give me all I need; my future is in Your hands."

- Psalm 16:5



Sometimes my mind races at night, and I’m tempted to worry about Covid-related concerns or the state of our world. But I am quite relieved that we don’t have to fret about tomorrow. Why?

Because God is already there.

During this month of coming spring, what if we paid closer attention to the promises of Jesus…and to His wise leading? What if we totally followed Him, regardless of our own whims and wishes, or the news and social media? What if we actively looked for new beginnings, abandoning the negative and pushing ahead for the glory of God?

We could do all of the above, right?

And, too, we could commit ourselves to daily prayer, offering our praise and worship, for He lives in our praises. (God inhabits, dwells and is enthroned in our praises, according to Psalm 22:3).

Spring reminds us that after the dark, cold and seclusion of winter, there is the promise of extended light and warmth…and nature’s beckoning.

I’m so eager for the crocuses to burst forth into bloom, for the robin’s return, and for the soil to soften and the planting to begin, aren’t you?

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Let’s soak up not only the additional springtime sunlight, but also the beauty and characteristics of our dear Lord Jesus, and radiate His love and encouragement to broken hearts all around us.

Blessings abundant,

Beverly Lewis


With great delight, I unveil the NEW Amish Cheer cards - ready for Easter giving! They depict springtime joy and God’s creation. My backstory will give you a peek inside the age-old Easter traditions of the Lancaster County Amish, and the scripture verse will lift your heart (and your recipients'). Order here between now and March 28:

Easter Cheer cards 2 

 Spring Basket card

As for my writing, I’ve been formulating the synopsis for my Fall 2022 novel, also a standalone set in Lancaster County Amish farmland. Yes, I'm working that far ahead. 😊


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